Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Not What I EXpected

Dear, well...yea.

  It all seemed so simple in the beginning, did it not? The butterflies, the cute texts, the smiles and giggles. Let’s not forget the walks to class, hand in hand taking up half the hallway, and the corny “no you hang up first!” Ah the honeymoon phase. We were so in luv, remember?

 My literal thoughts? How about “what’s a boyfriend” and “did you just call me pretty?” Yea, this whole relationship idea was very new to me.  Don’t judge, I was just starting to get out of my awkward phase...

  But I digress. Before I explain myself, let me clarify one thing for you. IT WAS ALL MY FAULT. You’re totally right, I ruined everything. So this is my chance to apologize for some of the things that went wrong. So here goes. (Please, take notes. You’ll never hear these “apologies” from me again.)

1.) I’m SO sorry for making you talk to all of those other girls. It was very wrong for me to forcibly grab your fingers and type out all of those messages. How could I do such a thing?

2.) One of my biggest mistakes was spending time with you! How dare I ignore my friends and put you before them. I am so sorry I would never hang out with my BEST friends. I knew that would make you happy, so I sincerely apologize for caring about your feelings.

3.) I’m sorry for giving you all those chances. I mean what was I thinking? Forgiving you over and over again. What kind of monster am I?

  Now that I got that off my chest, I think it’s safe to say that going our separate ways was a good idea. Things didn’t turn out like we thought they would. Just think about it though, now you can find a girl who will treat you better than I did. Let me tell you, I was a disaster. Don’t worry about me, I’ll survive.
By the way,
Have you seen my prom date?