Wednesday, November 28, 2012

  Oh Those iCarlys.

  Do you ever wonder what goes through the minds of our modern inventors? Do you ever look at the new iPhone 5 and think, "Why would you pay another two hundred dollars for a screen that's two millimeters longer?" Or how about when you're watching TV and the commercial for the Snuggie comes on and you want to throw your TV out of the window with the thought that someone would actually pay money for a backwards bathrobe. Well I know I do. That's why when I come across a parody of these ridiculous products I can't help but giggle. Much like how Jimmy Fallon from the famous Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show preforms spoofs/parodies of many of these crazy inventions, the Nickolodeon show iCarly uses this form of satire to depict their thoughts as well.
  Watching iCarly for many years, I never noticed many of the items they make fun of that we use here in the real world. (I mean, I guess that's what a person would call it... right?) Many ideas on iCarly are parodies/spoofs of real products, companies, and people.
  On the final episode of iCarly (according to the producer of the show Dan Shneider) the writers incorporated the use of character Freddie's giant phone to make fun of one of their fellow writer's GIANT phone. Apparently, all of the writers except for this one had small phones and this one guy insisted on using a huge one. Personally, I see the their use of satire here as genius considering they incorporated something from (here I go again) real life.
 I must be crazy for not noticing the long list of parodies used in this show. There's so many! I think the writer's used this form of satire to connect on a deeper level with their audience (in a funny way, of course). Not to mention they worked all of this into a children's TV show. Obviously my little sister can't get enough of this "satire." Did you notice my italicizing and quotations? Well now you do, and I'll even explain why I used them for you.
  Why use satire (mind you, a word I just learned my junior year of high school) in a children's show? Let's not forget all of those parents that are forced to watch these shows with their little Billy and Sue. They deserve a little enjoyment out of this torture. Adding these tricky little "sats" (my word for the uses of satire. It's my blog right?) does just that. Well done Dan Shneider.  Oh, and the writers of course.
  Dan Shneider isn't the only man with a love for satire. Mark Twain, writer of the popular novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, also uses satire in his writing. To really capture the reality of the time period of his novel, Twain uses a unique writing style to depict the lives of slaves as well as whites from the South. At times, main character Jim (a slave) gets sort of "teased" in ways not always so obvious. Twain's use of satire in his writing is what would open your eyes to these not-so-obvious moments in the novel.

And now for your enjoyment, here is iCarly's parody of the famous Snuggie.


  1. I really need to get my head out of the sand! Thanks for showing me another form of contemporary satire. Prior to reading your post, I didn't even of the existence of iCarly! As they say, we learn something new every day!

  2. Honestly I never even noticed that they made fun of so many things on iCarly. This is crazy, and I agree with you one hundred percent.

  3. Great blog Arianna! I really liked your analysis of iCarly. I never noticed how much of iCarly was satire. I agree; there are so many funny things in iCarly that a little kid wouldn't get, but parents would. In so many shows that I watched when I was younger, and then I re-watch them, I understand so many more things now! It makes me laugh that so many things in children's shows are jokes that only older people would understand!

  4. I absolutely agree with your first paragraph! I would never buy the next iPhone that comes out because it's not much different from the last generation! I'm not a technology lover either. Of course I like technology but we just don't get along. ;) I have never been areal big Icarly fan but they do use a lot of satire. I really enjoyed your blog! Until next time, farewell.

  5. I always have seen that in Icarly. I remember they had an episode about the "pear" phone. Which obviously is making fun of apple and the iphone! I have always been a technology lover and have always wanted the next big thing, but I have realized over the years that right after you get it, they announce a new thing that you want!

  6. I'm not a big iCarly fan, I do watch it sometimes, but usually when there's not really anything else to watch. When I watch iCarly, I do notice all of the parodies/spoofs and I think it's the funniest thing. When I see all the dumb infomercials, and I really do want to throw my TV out the window. That wouldn't work of course because my TV weighs more than I do, and is as big as me, but you get the idea. I really like your blog, it was really entertaining! :)

  7. I never really noticed all of the parodies in iCarly until you pointed a few out. Thinking about it, there are countless examples and references made in the show. iCarly is also a great example of exaggeration. The character Spencer is always very overdramatic and theatrical.
