Monday, January 14, 2013

Rock out with Revenge

      Have you ever had one of those days where you are absolutely hating the world...and well... you just wanna sing about it? No? Is that just me? Didn't think so. If you're a teenager like me, the world around you isn't always a lovely place and music may be your only way to express your feelings towards it.
   Now don't get me wrong I don't hate life or anything. I'm just saying, when my little sister tattle tales on  me for not loading the dishwasher or my best friend spills the beans about my biggest secret, I get peeved. I want revenge. 
    Ah revenge. Such a dynamic word with so many different interpretations. By definition, revenge is "to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit." In other words, revenge is getting back at someone who did something wrong to you. The possibilities of revenge are endless. For me, when revenge seems out of the question and/or impossible, I use music as an outlet. Believe me, I'm not the only one.
   For example, I know most of us lovely ladies would do anything to get back at the guy that broke our heart or the girl who took him away. Taylor Swift is a well known artist in today's music industry that does just this, by using words she turns into lyrics, and lyrics she turns into songs. The more boyfriends this chick has, the more hits she writes that "hit" the charts (hehe).  This is how Taylor Swift gets her revenge. American singer and film actor Frank Sinatra once said " the best revenge is massive success." Well I'd say with her multiple number one hits and awards for best female artist and artist of the year, this form of revenge really works for her!

   I can't help but wonder, though, about all of the guys Taylor Swift has written songs about. Do they all know which one is about them? If they don't, then who's to say her form of revenge is..well...effective? Does revenge necessarily have to be felt by the revengie?(a.k.a the person on the other end of your vengeance, and yes I made it up.) This takes me back to my statement about how revenge is such a dynamic word with so many different interpretations. If Taylor's songs aren't recognized by the person who's responsible for it, then did the revenge work? Or maybe she's okay with the fact that only she knows who the song is truly about. Maybe that's Taylor Swift's interpretation of revenge, that even if the revengie (there I go again) doesn't notice the intended vengeance she still knows who it's about so to her, it's effective. Hmm, I don't know about any of my readers but I find this to be a very interesting form of revenge, even if it's not what Taylor was shooting for. What do you think?
   Okay enough about Taylor Swift, she's not the only one who has a passion for revenge. Great American play writer William Shakespeare also has a passion for revenge. In his famous play Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote about character Hamlet's internal conflict over how to conduct revenge against his uncle for the murder of his father, the former king of their state of Denmark. While he plotted out his vengeance, Hamlet began to go insane over whether or not he was doing the right thing. Readers are able to get inside Hamlet's mind and explore in a deeper way his disputes over whether or not to commit the murder of his uncle. Much like Taylor Swift, the vengeance displayed in theses two forms shows signs of humanity and the existence of a strong conscious  Although Swift wanted revenge on all those guys that broke her heart, she did it indirectly through music. Hamlet shows signs of guilt, like if he goes against the king his conscious will haunt him.

Taylor Swift's "Better than Revenge"
List of interpretations of Taylor Swift



  1. This was a great interpretation about revenge. I like how you incorporated how revenge deals with your life. I also like how you used your voice in this. It was a very well written blog!

  2. Let me just start off by saying that I love t-swift! I have all of her albums and not once did I think of her as having a "revenge plot"! I like how you brought up how the revengee (haha) may not always know that revenge is being inflicted on them. It's like for Taylor, the satisfaction of revenge comes by simply her knowing who the specific revengee is. I feel sort of bad for Hamlet now, though. Maybe if he had music as an outlet like us and Taylor swift, he wouldn't have gone so mad by the end. ( I like how you brought up his madness to by the way) All in all good job! :)

  3. I'm just going to flat out say it: I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift. I also question the fact whether her ex-boyfriends realize which song is about them. I do not believe that revenge necessarily has to be felt by the "revengee", because as long as you feel better about yourself by doing something to get back at them, they're not harmed and you're relieved. Haha. I have yet to read Hamlet, but I understand where you're coming from by saying Shakespeare has a knack for revenge, especially in Macbeth. He killed the king in his sleep to take the throne, and the rightful person figured it all out, and killed him. Like they say, "Revenge is best served cold." Especially when "Great Burnham Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill", which I'm positive it was raining during that event. But I thought this was a very thorough post! A few grammatical errors with punctuation and such, but nothing too major. : )

  4. Agreeing with her ^ I am definitely not a fan of Taylor Swift. At all. But I like the connection you made between Sinatra's quote and how Taylor Swift gets her revenge. Reading 14kruk's comment, I'd have to agree with another fact that revenge can still make a person feel better even if it goes unnoticed by the person you are seeking revenge on. Over all good post :)

  5. First of all, responding to your question in the first paragraph, I have days like that too! Just like you, I love to use music as a outlet because I am not much for getting revenge on people. Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and let it go so you don't cause problems. Although revenge can be sweet, it can also come back to bite you. Unlike 14kruk and 14howm, I am a fan of Taylor Swift! I enjoy how she uses the songs to vent her feelings, but yet she also is getting revenge at the same time. Like you mentioned, it is obviously effective for her considering her success with her music. Her boyfriends may not know which song was written about them, but it still makes Taylor feel better to put her feelings out in the open. And who knows, maybe all the guys figured out which song is about them and are feeling the pain a little deeper than she really thinks they are.

  6. I have the same thought, not so much loving Taylor Swift, but maybe the thought of revenge can be a little deeper than hurting the person who hurt you. Sometimes feeling like you got revenge on someone, whether they know it or not, is a way of letting go. In order to forgive someone, oftentimes you must one-up them, if they hurt you, then you have to show them you are stronger than they thought you were.

  7. Just like you, music is my peace keeper. Music separates me from the outside world and all of my problems at that time. Most of the time I listen to country because the lyrics are a story of good morals. Taylor Swift is my all time favorite female country singer. Not only is her music is good but, her way of getting back at her ex's makes me giggle. I like to get revenge by pranking the person who upset me. I know that seeking revenge is childish but it's not fair if you don't, is it? (haha) I thought you had a very strong voice in your blog. I look forward to reading your next blog!

  8. I agree that music is a great outlet! And not only girls use it! I also listen to Taylor swift sometime (haha) and it helps relieve the stress. Revenge is a powerful thing. And I don't think I could be like Taylor and make my revenge that public, but eh I'm not her.
